How Do You Quit a Job Over Text? 5 Examples and Templates

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Is it time to quit your job? Have you had enough to the point that you want to end your employment as fast as humanly possible?

Of course, it may be tempting to send a text and simply be done.

In the era of The Great Resignation, more and more people are quitting their jobs, citing reasons such as low pay, flexibility, burnout and lack of advancement opportunities – to name a few.

But, before you hit that send button, you may want to consider a few key things.

Of course, every situation is different. However, I’ve left a few jobs on good terms over my career. So, I’m here to offer some advice and general templates to help you quit in the best way possible.

How do you tell your job you quit nicely?

A good notice of quitting your job will generally have a few key elements. These may include:

  • A warm greeting
  • Your last day of employment (ideally a two-week notice)
  • An expression of gratitude
  • A brief explanation of any professional or personal reasons you are leaving
  • An offer to help with a smooth transition for a new employee

So the most generic template might look something like this:

Hi [supervisor name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to let you know I will be ending my position as [role] at [company name] effective [date].

While I am so grateful for the time I have had at the company, it is time for [reason for leaving]. If there is anything I can do to ease in the transition while you look for my replacement, I am happy to help.

Thank you,

[Your name]

How far in advance should I tell my boss I’m quitting?

A two-week notice is typically standard when you are quitting a job.

However, situations may vary. If you like your employer and know that you are working in a position that may be hard to fill, offering a more extended notice is usually appreciated.

This could only backfire if you think for any reason the company may let you go sooner than you were expecting.

On the other hand, if you are in a seasonal job or a job that has a high turnover rate, a shorter notice may be appropriate.

How do I quit my job immediately over text?

Let me first say that I don’t recommend you quit over text. A face-to-face conversation is always recommended, followed by a formal resignation letter or email.

However, I understand that we live in a digital age. Maybe you do remote work and almost never see your boss in person, or you communicate with your supervisor primarily via text.

But even in these circumstances, I still recommend considering a video meeting, phone conversation or email.

But if all else fails and you are set on sending a quick text message, here are a few example texts for quitting your job:

1. The short and sweet text

This text is short and to the point. You don’t necessarily owe an employer an explanation if you do not wish to offer one.

If you want to keep it brief, you may want to write something like this:

Hi [supervisor name],

I wanted to let you know that my last day of working for [company name] will be [date]. I am grateful for the time I have had working here. Let me know if I can be of assistance in the transition process.


[Your name]

2. The polite “new opportunity” text

If you are exploring a new career path, it may be worth mentioning that to an employer. Hopefully, if you have a good boss, he or she will be happy to see you move on to bigger and better things.

Hi [supervisor name],

I wanted to let you know that, unfortunately, my last day of working for [company name] will be [date]. While I will miss my time here, I have been offered a new opportunity as [new job name]. While it was a hard decision to make, I know that this is the right next step for me. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the transition process.


[Your name]

3. The friendly head’s up

I like this method if you are close to your boss or supervisor.

You can use this one and still send a professional follow-up email, too.

But sending an informal text first to a friend who is also your supervisor or boss may lessen the sting for them.

Hi [name],

I wanted you to be the first to know that I’ll be turning in my notice very soon. I will miss working with you and am so grateful for my time at [company name]. But, [insert personal reasons for leaving], and I know you’ll understand. I hope to still meet for lunch with you regularly!

4. The fast exit

If you’re working in a toxic work environment or have an aggressive boss, a fast and short exit may be your best bet for leaving promptly.

Also, if you are leaving due to reasons like these, I also recommend you have a conversation with the human resources department. Finally, do not apologize if you are leaving a toxic situation.

Hi [name],

Today was my last day working for [company name]. [If applicable: I have already turned in my employee badge or other materials].


[Your name]

5. The unusual circumstances exit

Life happens. Maybe you are looking to quit via text because something incredibly unexpected has come up, and a text is all you have time for.

In this case, you may write something like this:

Dear [supervisor name],

I’m so sorry to do this over text. However, [unexpected event] has come up. For this reason, I must leave my role as [job title] effective immediately. I apologize for any inconvenience this short notice may have caused.

I am grateful for my time at [company name] and appreciate your understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.


[Your name]

Other considerations when quitting your job via text

If you’re quitting a job over a text message, there may be other factors you will want to consider.

For example, be sure to choose your timing correctly. Try to avoid weekends, late nights or any time of the day when you know your supervisor is at his or her busiest.

Also, know that it is possible you might be burning a bridge when you quit suddenly over a text message.

Be sure to consider whether or not you would ever want to be hired back or need a recommendation letter from that employer.

Have you ever quit a job via text? Let me know your story in the comments below. And don’t forget to connect with us on social media.

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Alaina O'Neal

Alaina O’Neal is a freelancer and blogger with over a decade of design and print experience‭. ‬She is certified in user experience design and digital media‭. ‬Alaina is‭ ‬also a 4x Tennessee Press Association‭ (‬TPA‭) ‬award winner.

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