These are the ten red flags for bad clients that make me run for the hills
I rarely break up with clients over bad behavior. It’s been years since I’ve had to pull the plug and call it quits. But it does happen. And when it does, I try not to blame the client. Even if the client is being a real [insert your favorite swear word here]. I blame myself for ignoring the red flags.
And to be clear, ending a client’s contract earlier than planned is something I try to avoid at all costs. I am a big believer in trying to resolve problems with good old-fashioned listening and customer service. Terminating a contract early is an inconvenience for all parties involved and something that should be avoided if at all possible.
This is why, over the years, I’ve tried to prevent these bad interactions in the early stages before they happen by learning to identify common red flags and common characteristics that these problematic clients share before the project ever begins. Stopping a problem before it starts is always easier in the long run.
Red flags for bad clients include clients who devalue your time, disrespect your skills, over-communicating, turn everything into a rush job, offer exposure instead of pay, ask for free samples, frequently fire other contractors and freelancers, participate in a bait & switch tactics and lacking mutual respect.
10 Red Flags for Bad Clients
Below, you will find a list of my own personal biggest red flags. Each of these warning signs is based on real interactions I’ve had – and negative patterns I’ve observed – throughout my now 7-year career as a full-time six-figure freelancer. Interactions that, it’s safe to say, didn’t go as planned.
Today, I can proudly say avoiding clients who demonstrate these characteristics has helped me cut my losses significantly. It’s also helped me make better use of my time by allowing me to focus on great clients who appreciate quality work.
Note: Most of the screenshots below were taken from the Upwork platform, which I use frequently, but I find the same red flags apply to the “real world”.
1. The client says “This shouldn’t take long”
This one, for me, isn’t necessarily an instant deal-breaker but it does raise an eyebrow.
Imagine for a moment that you have hired a contractor to perform a task that you know nothing about. Like hiring a plumber when you’ve never handled a wrench before in your life. Now imagine proceeding to stand over that plumber as they try to repair your pipes and talk to them about how the task “should be easy” or “shouldn’t take long”.
If I were to play devil’s advocate for a moment, some clients have more subject matter knowledge than others. Which makes those statements perfectly acceptable and rather harmless. But it could also be a sign that the client doesn’t fully respect your expertise on the subject. To determine whether or not this is the case, push back slightly on those assumptions by providing your own cost and time estimate.
If the client graciously accepts these estimates, you’re good to go. If the client becomes defensive or insists that the project should be “approached differently”, “shouldn’t take that long” or “cost that much” – it may be an early warning sign.
2. The client says “I’m also a …”
I want to start by saying that there is no harm in subcontracting for another professional in your field. As a freelance designer, I hire other graphic designers all of the time. The problem here is similar to the last. If the potential client isn’t the professional they claim to be, it could, again, be a sign that they won’t respect your time.
Let’s use the above screenshot as a perfect example of someone who is, very likely, not a professional designer. The job post mentions needing a new logo for an eye surgeon’s private practice. The job poster also mentions that he is in charge of running the company. While there’s an exception to every rule – what do you think the odds are that this person is a professional graphic artist turned surgeon/owner of a medical-related private practice? It’s probably more likely that this person is, at best, a hobbyist.
I encountered this type of difficult client early on in my Upwork career. The guy who claimed to be a graphic designer and wanted a newspaper ad for his tutoring business. I sent over the first draft, and he immediately asked for source files. I obliged. About an hour later, he sent it back to me saying he had made his own edits and wanted me to “finish it”. The file was a disaster. Layers were merged, photographs were distorted and the text was flattened. We went back and forth like this for several hours. With him sending back broken files and me performing repairs.
As you might imagine, this was more than a simple nuisance. It also added a lot of time to the project. When it was time to request payment, he refused to pay the originally agreed-upon amount citing the fact that he had to “do half the work” himself. I never received full payment for that project. And after that experience, I don’t plan on working with any more pseudo “designers” any time soon.
3. Excessive communication
I am a big believer in communication. I ask a lot of questions before taking on a new project or a new client. I’ll even hop on a short introductory Zoom call if necessary. But it can be a problem when communication becomes excessive – with multiple calls, multiple interviews and dozens of messages when you’re not being paid for your time.
I experienced this phenomenon a few years ago. The client was a marketing company looking to retain graphic design freelancers for ongoing work. I participated in multiple rounds of interviews, multi-hour training sessions, dozens of email exchanges and even installed their proprietary software on my computer. Four months after our initial engagement, they had failed to produce a single assignment. And I hadn’t received a dime for my time.
As I began to realize that I had given an exorbitant amount of my time away for zero pay-off, I couldn’t help but wonder – if they are dragging their heels this much when it comes to assigning work, how are they going to be about actually paying me? I listened to that gut feeling and decided to cut my losses and run.
Today, I limit new client inquiries to a single 15-30-minute discovery call and/or a handful of e-mail exchanges. I count anything more than that as a paid consultation.
4. The client says “This is a rush job”
Look, rush jobs happen, it’s part of life. Sometimes a client might even be willing to pay a higher rate or a rush fee to push their project to the top of the pile. But I refuse to take on rush jobs with a brand new client.
Mutual trust is, without question, one of the most important aspects of healthy client relationships. And it takes time to establish. Rush jobs with new clients are the business equivalent of a trust fall with a stranger. And I prefer not to enter into a brand new relationship under a pressure-fueled situation.
5. The client says “This is a great opportunity” or “Great exposure!”
I’m sure we’ve all heard this line at some point in our careers. It’s usually wrapped in the context of a potential client trying to get you to perform cheap or free work in exchange for “opportunity” (or exposure or future work).
I work on multi-million dollar projects daily that never brag about being multi-million dollar projects. However, John Smith with a $20 budget loves to tell ya all about how his/her idea is going to take off, and if you’ll just work a little cheaper, or for equity stake, you’ll be a rich freelancer one day.
In my experience, this is either a sign that the client is naively ambitious (not great), has a small budget (also not great) or nefariously trying to trick you into working on the cheap (even worse). Don’t waste your time unless the client is willing to pay your normal rate.
6. The client asks for a free sample
Unless you are knowingly volunteering your time and skills to a charity or a good cause, you should never work for free. It’s problematic for many reasons.
The first (and most obvious) issue is that you’re not getting paid – which is never good for your bank account. Second, you devalue your work and your time in your client’s mind. Lastly, for those of you who use Upwork, it’s a breach of their Terms of Service. The act could even result in a temporary suspension from the platform.
Admittedly, I don’t immediately hold it against prospective clients when they ask me for cheap work or free strategy sessions before the engagement. Asking isn’t a crime. They may not know better. And I’m always happy to provide a brief project overview and point them to my portfolio for additional examples of my work. But my knowledge and expertise are just as important, if not more important, than my ability to click the right buttons on the computer. And when offering those services, I expect to be paid.
I’ve met far too many clients who have taken my ideas or sketches and farmed them out to a cheaper designer to finish the project. Tell your prospective client that you’ll be happy to hop on a quick discovery call and that you’ll be glad to provide creative direction and strategize in detail once you’re under contract. If they push back, it wasn’t meant to be.
This ain’t Sam’s Club – there are no free samples.
7. Your client says “I fired the last guy”
Here’s another major red flag. High turnover in any capacity – whether it be in the freelance world or corporate America – is almost always a reflection on the client or employer. If you have a prospective client who says they fired the previous freelancer, or that they’ve already cycled through numerous freelancers, it could be a sign of mismanagement, unrealistic expectations, or unprofessional behavior (on the client’s part).
When in doubt, ask a lot of follow-up questions about what went wrong. If their answers are suspicious, consider cutting your losses before you end up being another notch in the client’s ex-freelancer belt.
8. The bait and switch
You’ve probably experienced this one before. The client says they have a healthy budget. You take the bait. But before you know it the client begins to backtrack and now says they can only afford to pay a fraction of the advertised hourly rate. For me, asking for a lower rate than advertised is almost always an instant deal-breaker. Deceptive activities such as these are early warning signs that your client may not be an entirely honest individual. In a nutshell, it’s a huge red flag.
9. A lack of mutual respect
Another instant deal-breaker for me is when the client displays a lack of mutual respect. A lack of respect may present itself in many forms.
It might be blatant and involve name-calling or belittling. Or it may be more subtle with a client who is unable to control their temper and becomes short or dismissive. It may even take it’s, what is in my opinion, its most annoying form: A power play like mansplaining.
As a female in business, I’m a frequent recipient of disrespect and/or awkward jokes about my appearance or age. And generally – at least in my case – it tends to come from a much older male who seems insecure about himself.
All of these offenses can be fairly maddening. And as a business owner, it’s your job to keep your cool when these types of situations arise. But you don’t have to put up with it either. I think having the ability to say “no” to a rude client or fire a problem client is one of the biggest perks of self-employment.
When I see a client displaying early warning signs that indicate a lack of respect, I simply thank them for their time, let them know that I am not the right fit for the job, and wish them luck in their future endeavors.
10. You have a bad gut feeling
Finally, we have the biggest red flag of all – you’ve got a bad gut feeling. At the end of the day, everyone will have their own list of potential red flags. And everyone has a different definition of what it means to be a nightmare client. What may be deal-breakers for some, may not be for others.
So if you’re having a hard time deciding whether or not you are a good fit for the client and the client is a good fit for you, let your intuition be your guide. It will rarely lead you astray.
How to Get Rid of a Freelance Client
If you’ve found yourself trapped in a toxic situation with a bad client there are a few ways to get out of it, which I’ve written about extensively here. A few of my favorite methods include:
- Use the contract: End the agreement as outlined in the termination clause in your contract.
- Raise your rates: Raise your rates to a level you know the client can no longer afford.
- Referrals: Referring them to another freelancer or service.
- Come up with an excuse: Tell them you’re pivoting the business (or going out of business).
What to Do if a Client Hasn’t Paid
If a client refuses to pay, the first thing you want to do is refer to the payment terms outlined in your contract. Remind the client of their contractual obligations.
If there is no contract, or the client isn’t abiding by those terms, you may want to consider filing a claim in Small Claims Court or speaking to legal counsel. Most lawyers will engage in a free discovery call to tell you whether or not you have a claim before taking on the case and walk you through the process of mitigation. In many cases, the issue often resolves itself before ever getting to court. You’d be surprised what a strongly worded letter from a lawyer can do.
What are your major red flags when it comes to bad clients? What sort of character traits do you think these types of clients share? Have you had any bad experiences lately that you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to connect with me on social using the links below.
Hi Morgan,
This is a great article. You mentioned communicating with a client via email. Does this mean Upwork allows you to give your email address to a client before they hire you? I was under the impression all communication needs to happen on Upwork at least until they give you a contract.
GREAT question Faith and thank you for pointing that out. This article was written before that was a rule. I just added an editor’s note. Great catch I appreciate that!
(Editor’s Note: Upwork updated their off-platform pre-contract communication policy in 2020. Off platform pre-contract communications like phone calls and e-mails are no longer allowed. In large part, this rule prevents the excessive communication before the contract begins and encourages the client to make a decision before proceeding. However, excessive communication may still become a problem even with the Upwork messenger alone, so I still count this as a red flag. )
Hi Morgan,
Thanks for responding. I recently learnt that you could get to a point where you get invites from clients without applying for jobs.
In the event that you get too many, do you decline some as they might stretch you too thin? More importantly, if you turn down some offers does it affect your job success score on Upwork in any way? If you do accept the offers and get hired, do you outsource some work or do you inform clients of your heavy workload and ask for extensions on deadlines. Kindly share your thoughts on this.
Another great question. I actually turn decline more invite offers than I accept. I stay pretty booked nowadays and will only reply if something really interests me. It does not impact your job success score.
I do have a small team that sometimes helps me carry the load. Most of my Upwork clients deal directly with me unless I am away or they are just sending so much work that I have to pull in my off-site team for the assist.
Right now we are about 50% Upwork, 50% off site.
What project management system do you use to manage your graphic design projects, and at what point do you add your clients to this system (if it’s capable)?
I use Trello for my project management system and I do not add my clients. It’s for me and my internal team. I communicate with my clients via email and slack.
Wow this is SO Helpful. I’m getting some of my first clients and already dealing with scope creep issues. Since I’m newer with little feedback on profile I tend to give into it in hopes of just over-delivering for that precious feedback. So far i’ve been finding it extremely time consuming to get traction this way.
Hi Morgan,
I was just freed from a bad client relationship so I am very leery these days. I’ve been meeting with some new potential clients and wanted your feedback. How do you feel about a client asking “what’s included” in my hourly rate? Is that normal to ask when it’s clear what the deliverable is? I was trying to understand what that really means and also if it is common for other freelancers to be asked that question.
I guess I’m worried about my process being micromanaged. I told them everything related to producing the end result is included and that may include phone calls, etc.
Is it strange to assume they would know this already? I was wondering if it was a red flag. I’m also aware my rate was a teeny weeny bit over their budget (but they were still interested in working with me).
Thank you for your article.
I’ve never been asked what is “included” in my hourly rate. It sounds like your client doesn’t have a lot of experience in hiring freelancers. Just make sure the deliverables are clear. If they continue to press, chalk it up to a red flag and run for the hills.
Hi Morgan!
Thanks for all the info you post here, it really helps dissolve some of the heavy heebie-jeebies of a fresh freelancer. I’m new to all this online freelancing world, althoug I’ve got years of experience in the “real world”. I wanted to know, do clients tend to ask phone calls a lot? I’m not very comfortable with my spoken English just yet, so phone calls are a little intimidating for me.
Thanks a lot for your articles, they’re pure gold!
Hey August!
Totally depends on the client. I’ve had clients that I’ve known for years who have never requested a single call. I’ve also had clients that want to schedule a call for everything. I personally hate excessive calls and tend to let those relationships fizzle over time. But to each their own!
Hello,, Morgan nowadays as upwork rule says all the communication between a client and freelancer must be inside the wenbsite(upwork) and they say if any client contact you outside the website it’s a potential risk to you, now if I get a client like that should I ignore them? Am getting confused
Hi there! It’s not if ANY client contacts you outside the platform. It’s only if you ask an UPWORK client contact you off platform. You are allowed to have you own off site freelance business in addition to being on Upwork.